
來英國之前斷捨離了大量書籍,運來倫敦的還有100本左右,其中一本留下的是《音樂大歴史》(The Story of Music),那是一本一直沒有讀完但覺得總有一天會讀完繼而提升自己音樂知識的讀本,想著有一天有時間會認真的把它讀完(最好寫多一篇閱讀報告在這裡),但和大部份閱讀計劃一樣不了了之。

後來發現這書是基於一套同名BBC記錄片(也由該書作者Howard Goodall主持)而成,不如在YouTube睇片取代看書?全套有六集,官方上載是沒有的,在YouTube上只有其中四集,節目是不錯的,但知道沒有完整版本(特別講近代的最後一集)和舊節目的低清畫質就提不起勁看下去。反而在搜索途中找到同樣由Howard Goodall主持的一個Channel 4節目《Howard Goodall's 20th Century Greats》,對關於The Beatles一集最感興趣,一邊看一邊在Spotify逐首聽了他介紹的幾首作品。披頭四的歌是需要導賞的,即使不談歌詞也有很多在音樂創作上的時代和文化背景值得探討。之後也多看了其他有關The Beatles的紀錄片,甚至找回了Coursera的「The Music of the Beatles」,那是在Coursera還是全數課程免費的年代已有的課程(同一教授講的「History of Rock」十年前上過,本blog當年還神心到每週寫筆記分享),但到了Coursera逐漸轉為收費乃至訂閱制度訂了一年也退訂了的今日才開始有興趣打開看看。

The Beatles的發源地英國利物浦,也是今年歐洲歌唱大賽(Eurovision)的主辦城市。主辦國一般為去年冠軍,但烏克蘭因為仍處戰火當中,所以交由上屆亞軍英國接辦。之前提及周博賢移民英國後和當地女歌手製作一首關於香港和烏克蘭的歌,最近已面世並報名代表英國參加Eurovision。那首名為《As We Speak》的作品主唱名為Chloe Riordan,周博賢以ACiao名義發表該作品並找來一烏克蘭藝術家設計單曲封面圖。歌曲在各大音樂平台(包括YouTube)已可收聽,只是歌詞暫時只見於周博賢FB,全篇刊載如下(頗明顯地,第一段主歌說烏克蘭,第二段說香港):

As we speak
the sunflower once blossomed with grace
is forced to fade laughter and tenderness displaced
As we speak
once home sweet home turned into grave
Infant souls dissipate

You know that I’ll always be standing by your side
Together we’ll find the ways that save us from demise
Cos I share your conviction that everyone should deserve their way of life, to be alive

As we speak
the pearl once glowed beyond applause
crushed on the floor phantoms keep knocking on the doors
As we speak once open space open no more
One by one behind walls

You know that I’ll always be standing by your side
Together we’ll find the ways that lead to paradise
Cos I share your conviction that everyone should deserve their way of life, to be alive

You know that I’ll always be standing by your side
Together we’ll find the ways that lead to paradise
You needa know I’ll always be standing by your side
Together we’ll shine in darkness with our heads held high
You gotta know I~~ (’ll always be standing by your side)
Stand firm by your side (Together we’ll shine in darkness)
Together we thrive With our heads held high (with our heads held high)
We’ll not divide

烏克蘭插畫師Yulia Zhevakina創作之《As We Speak》封面

由於歐洲歌唱大賽英國代表選拔方式基本上無透明度可言,所以無從得知對手有誰機會如何,故此只能祝周博賢團隊好運了,就算未能入選也希望有其他渠道讓這歌有更多人認識,更重要是之後繼續在英創作好歌。話分兩頭,最近看BRIT Awards才知道去年以《Space Man》代表英國參賽並被視為爭冠希望的Sam Ryder原來這一年才角逐新人獎(還要輸了給Wet Leg樂隊!), 可以說英國有很多東西可以聽,有時開BBC聽Official Asian Chart播印度歌聽得還開心過Radio 1的Official Charts的歌呢。
